Many people think that tutoring requires teaching experience; it does not. All you need is the desire to help someone improve their lives through learning to read and write better. How do you do that? We’ll train you for free.
Think about teaching done daily in real-life situations : teaching a friend to knit, a child to cook, or a teenager how to drive a car.
Many went to work at an early age, have families, own homes, and are actively involved in their communities. They simply do not have the strategies for reading and writing what they want and need. That’s where the Literacy Volunteer tutor comes in.
By encouraging the student to draw upon their own personal experiences, they become more motivated to try different approaches that will develop greater proficiency with reading and writing.
And, we always treat the student with respect.
If you’re considering learning how to become a Literacy Volunteer tutor, please contact us for more information, or call 207-726-4688. There’s no commitment and we hope to speak with you soon.